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Effective Negotiation Skill

Kuala Lumpur/Selangor

INTRODUCTION There is an art to business success - the art of negotiation. It’s the art of making a deal -  a matter of persuasion rather than a crude power play. It’s the art of making the other person your friend, rather than your enemy, no mater how though a bargain you strike. It’s the...

Pembangunan Pembantu Tadbir dan Perkeranian

Kuala Lumpur/Selangor

PENGENALAN Seorang Pembantu Tadbir adalah seorang ahli organisasi yang sangat penting. Ini adalah kerana tanpa sokongan yang padu daripada para Pembantu Tadbir, perjalanan organisasi tidak akan dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Pejabat adalah merupakan nadi sesebuah organisasi - di mana semua aktiviti perniagaan bermula dan tertumpu. Keberkesanan sistem pentadbiraan akan hanya tercapai jika para Pembantu Tadbir...

Root Cause Analysis And 8-D Problem Solving

Kuala Lumpur/Selangor

INTRODUCTION Root Cause Analysis is an approach for identifying the underlying causes of an incident so that the most effective solutions can be identified and implemented. It is a comprehensive term encompassing a collection of problem solving methods used to identify the real cause of a non- conformance or quality problem. The 8D PROBLEM SOLVING...

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